Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Toy Story Cake

 I usually try to make all the elements that go onto a cake, it makes the cakes more original and tends to be cheaper - however some characters are very difficult to get just right - when I researched Toy Story cakes this was very evident - very few had really captured Buzz well I decided I needed to go for a model rather than try to copy the image - the issue was how to do this without breaking the bank - Toy Story toys are expensive. While shopping I found this character  reduced in Asda

 He is in reality a bubble bath container ! and just perfect - his helmet even flipped back and when emptied he was light enough to put on a cake so I designed the cake round him. The only problem was that Rebecca was adamant that Woody also needed to be on the cake !! Great - back to the shops!! I was beginning to despair and for a while it looked like Disney was the only option - this was looking like an expensive cake - then I discovered this in Wilkinson for £5 which compared to the other options was cheap!!!

So with the characters sorted I decided on a two tier sponge cake using the light blue cloud image from the film and the dark blue with stars on the top - with the toy story logo colours forming bands round the cake

I love the little aliens from the film - so decided to incorporate them into the design and they added such a fun element to the cake. I modelled them out of sugar paste and placed them randomly around the back of the cake with one of them pictured from the back trying to climb the cake.

The curly candles added to the cake  and as Woody only had a number of poses I sat him on some coloured blocks - the thin candle reminded me of the wick of the rocket attached to Buzz in the first film and fitted nicely into Woody's hand.

The Alien cup cakes were very simple - they were also very green - inside and out!! just one of the reasons my parties feature the food at the end just before the children go home!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a clever cake, Rebecca was right it definatly needed 2 figures the little aliens are. just in the right place. Very impressive. Jenny


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