Sunday, 9 August 2015

Tea party!

Rebecca requested a mid - week party this year so that her friend who is unable to do weekends could come. Mid-week is not the best time for a full blown party so we chatted through the options, and essentially came down to a small group of friends coming to tea.
Rebecca loves being in owl class so chose Owls as her theme, which gave lots of opportunity to be creative!
Rather than games the girls were sent on a treasure hunt - it followed the form of a story, with Ginger a little pink and brown owl, looking for some friends....
Each clue had a problem to solve - a crossword, riddle or code and held a challenge for the girls to complete.
They made some paper friends but they were no good in the rain!
So they made some clay friends but they weren't very cuddly!
Eventually after wraps, and ice cream factory ... The clues led them to some cuddly owl cushions....
Each cushion had a pocket containing a journal
It was just lovely as the evening came to a close sitting with the girls as they filled in bit of their journal together.
It was very different to parties we have had in the past but it was great fun and just right for a 10th birthday!

Sidney's super secret science!

As you entered the church for this years holiday club you might think that you had entered the wrong building as you found yourself in a child's bedroom....

But lurking behind the bookcase....

Lay a secret tunnel, leading to ....

Sidney's secret lab!



Here the children, explored the miracles of Jesus through drama, music and stories. Sidney tried to do experiments but was sabotaged by the evil inspector Munch!

Each room also had a science theme - my group was the hazardous lab!

In our groups we managed to do some experiments that did work! Exploring paper chromatography, reacting acids and alkalis to produce CO2, secret writing and caramelisation, water tension, ph scales and
We won belly flops ( mutated jelly beans!) for contributing to the group and for learning daily signs and memory verses.
I love being creative in prayer so we explored ways of talking to God, flip flop prayers, glo balloon prayer,
Thank you fish, even chromatography prayer!
We explored the stories we had learnt about ....
Using a scientific approach - what should have happened , what did we expect to happen. What actually happened and so what - what can we learn, what relevance might the story have for me?

We made crafts,



Glass painting, as well as log boats and bead fish!

Mad, noisy, fun!




















Friday, 7 August 2015

Still baking!

But time to blog that's the problem! So here' s snap shot of the last few months - cakes for all seasons!

Black Forest cup cake with fresh cream

Owl cup cakes for owl class obviously!

Pudding in the park! Just a few of the 600 cakes served at the village picnic!

Experimenting with chai latte!

Treble chocolate cookies - they don't hang around long!

Rocky road - just yum!
Baby shower - for a boy obviously!

I forgot to photograph them in the mayhem of school mornings - so no single shots I'm afraid!

Off camping Sunday and have the urge to bake, nothing like freshly baked cakes - however with the instruction to pack less I might have to resist!