Friday, 27 March 2020


your profile photo, Image may contain: possible text that says 'STAYING HOME SAVING LIVES'Who would have thought that we would be in this position when we began the new year.
However here we are in 2020 in lockdown, confined to our homes apart from essential trips.
Covid19  has created a global pandemic.
We have watched its progress travelling around the world not quite believing it would affect us - but here we are - and for each household it raises different questions...

How will I cope with the loneliness or being surrounded by people 24/7?

How will I manage work and supporting my children's study or what am I going to do all day?

How can I get enough exercise?

How can I prevent technology overload?

and it would appear a universal question - will I have enough toilet roll?!

For many of us we are learning new skills or to do things in new ways.

Family life and two jobs has meant that my blog has been left gathering dust over the last 5 years.
So in this time of crisis one of the things I have decided to do is to blow off the dust and start blogging again.

My aim is to record this moment in an honest way, with the good, the bad and the downright ugly!

My hope and prayer is that this will be a record of our journey as a family, trusting God in the dark times and rejoicing in the good times.