Friday, 5 July 2013

Wonky Wedding

A year ago we had a wonderful day celebrating my sisters wedding - It was an amazing day and went beautifully - which with 12 bridesmaids and pageboys under the age of 12 is no mean feat!!!

One of the lovely things about decorating cakes is that I have been able to make  my siblings wedding cakes as my gift to them. Beth  didn't know what she wanted - then she found wonky wedding cakes and that was it - so just had to work out what she wanted - it turned out to be flowers and beads - lots of flowers and beads - so for weeks my dining room table held flowers in varying stages of production and my bead box travelled with me  for those odd minutes when I could get a couple of strands made.

The cake itself was very simple decorated with varying widths and shades of blue ribbon.

The flower bouquets took a while to produce, they wrapped around polystyrene spacers to give the effect that the cake was sat on the flowers.


It took a while to get used to the idea of it being wonky, but I was pleased with the end result.

I set it up before the wedding and it was only during the official photos that I realised I had put one tier the wrong way round!!! It gave Beth a chuckle and though no-one else in the room had noticed I knew and so it needed to be put right!!! So a quick pause in the photo taking and all was right again!!!

 So all that was left was to dance the night away!!

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