Friday, 28 February 2014

Life from the back of the pack: Everything is awesome!

We were invited to join some friends and her grandchildren at the cinema to watch the lego movie.

I have to confess it would not have been my first choice, but it didn't take too long for me to be completely involved with the film, and caring about what happened to these little plastic people! The girls on the other hand loved it from the start!

Some reviewers were quite harsh on this film, describing it as a glorified advert for Lego and to be truthful if it was then it did a good job because this is the result ...

Sophie has spent days making houses and shops and the cafe pictured here. I mistakenly thought the black object on the left hand side of the house was a light .... No it's a CCTV camera!!

And what Sophie does ....

It's great, not just because they are absorbed for hours but because they are building stuff, designing it, thinking about it, working out which bits they need to complete their design.
So I guess it really is awesome!


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