Friday, 21 March 2014

40Acts: Standup

We have supported various causes in the past but the one that has been the most consistent for us has been shoeboxes sent by Operation Christmas Child.
In the past we have not only donated but help to run a processing centre,
I feel duty bound at this point to issue the following.....
Public health warning:
Shoe boxing is addictive!
You know when someone is addicted when they go home an hour after saying " just one more box!"
I love the simplicity of the giving, I love the fact that it recognises the need to play, to feel special, to know someone cares and I love that my kids get it! It's something we can all do as a familyThe boxes are collected in November but many people collect stuff all year so they can make lots of boxes, so why not collect those bargains now and make a shoebox, or if you have time spare in November why not volunteer to process boxes.
Sometimes you are in the right place at just the right time - so in Tescos when they take 75% of a whole heap of toys and stationary!
Hopefully this collection will bring smiles to some faces come December.


  1. Love shoe boxes really going to miss it this year

    1. I am planning to find a local centre, just too addicted !


I'd love you to share your thoughts and ideas..