Sunday 9 August 2015

Tea party!

Rebecca requested a mid - week party this year so that her friend who is unable to do weekends could come. Mid-week is not the best time for a full blown party so we chatted through the options, and essentially came down to a small group of friends coming to tea.
Rebecca loves being in owl class so chose Owls as her theme, which gave lots of opportunity to be creative!
Rather than games the girls were sent on a treasure hunt - it followed the form of a story, with Ginger a little pink and brown owl, looking for some friends....
Each clue had a problem to solve - a crossword, riddle or code and held a challenge for the girls to complete.
They made some paper friends but they were no good in the rain!
So they made some clay friends but they weren't very cuddly!
Eventually after wraps, and ice cream factory ... The clues led them to some cuddly owl cushions....
Each cushion had a pocket containing a journal
It was just lovely as the evening came to a close sitting with the girls as they filled in bit of their journal together.
It was very different to parties we have had in the past but it was great fun and just right for a 10th birthday!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely idea. It's lovely to hear Rebecca had such a wonderful party. Happy Birthday to a very special little lady x


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